Configuring Cmd Prompt

The preferable way to run cmd.exe in ConEmu is predefined Task {cmd}, it runs cmd.exe with CmdInit.cmd initialization file.

cmd's prompt in ConEmu

You may get git repository status in your prompt, just append -git switch after CmdInit.cmd in {cmd} task command.

Note Results of git status are parsed by cmd script and you may notice long lags if your repository has a lot of changed files.

Note Option ‘GuiMacro and Process execution’ should be enabled for cmd.exe on the ANSI execution settings page.

cmd's prompt with git status in ConEmu

CmdInit options

When you run {cmd} task or any other task utilizing CmdInit.cmd you may set configuration variables on the Environment settings page:

Variable Value Description
ConEmuPromptNL YES (default) Use two-lines prompt: second line contains only $ or # (for elevated consoles)
  NO Use one-line prompt
ConEmuPromptNames YES (default) Print User@PC before current directory
  NO Omit User@PC from prompt

Legacy PROMPT command

Note PROMPT command does not work in cmder or clink. PROMPT option is processed by cmd.exe only.

All configuration of cmd.exe prompt (color, text, linefeeds) is done either by the PROMPT command (run PROMPT /? for help) or the PROMPT environment variable.

The example below shows how the default ConEmu’s Task cmd (Admin) looks like:

cmd's Admin prompt in ConEmu

If you run set PROMPT there you’ll see following configuration string:

$ set prompt

As I’ve said before all macros are described in the PROMPT /? printout. Also, there are some $E... macroses which are ANSI escape codes. For example, $E[32m is a standard ANSI color switch. But $E]9;8;"USERNAME" is a ConEmu extension to ANSI standard which prints the content of the USERNAME environment variable.

How to set up your prompt automatically

There are two ways actually. First one is to define PROMPT variable before cmd.exe starts. For example you may type the following in your Task:

set PROMPT=$P$_$G & cmd.exe

And your prompt will looks like Directory + LineFeed + >.

Another way is to use initialization script. The nice example you may see in the ConEmu files: ConEmu\CmdInit.cmd. In breif you have to create YourInit.cmd file with following command:


and run your cmd.exe as follows

cmd.exe /k YourInit.cmd

Bottom line

Again, run PROMPT /? to learn possible macros and look at ANSI escape codes for the more power.

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