Extending the Powershell Prompt
- ConEmu may show current working directory in the Tab title.
- User may change prompt cursor position with mouse click.
- Open files by clicking on them (output from
, etc.)
It’s simple to configure.
Create or open your PowerShell profile script
Open your profile in the editor, Notepad for example
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path (Split-Path -Parent $profile) -Force
New-Item -ItemType file -Path $profile
notepad $profile
Prepare prompt for ConEmu
The following function will pass some crucial information to ConEmu, which can not be obtained by ConEmu automatically.
- When the prompt ends and user input starts. Required to select typed command properly with “Shift+Home” and to change cursor position in the prompt by simple mouse click.
- Current PowerShell’s working directory (FileSystem only). ConEmu may show full path or just current folder name in the Tab label (check Tab templates). Also this knowledge is crucial to process ‘hyperlinks’ clicks on files in the output from compilers and source control systems (git, hg, …)
function prompt
$loc = Get-Location
# Emulate standard PS prompt with location followed by ">"
# $out = "PS $loc> "
# Or prettify the prompt by coloring its parts
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan "PS "
Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow $loc
$out = "> "
# Check for ConEmu existance and ANSI emulation enabled
if ($env:ConEmuANSI -eq "ON") {
# Let ConEmu know when the prompt ends, to select typed
# command properly with "Shift+Home", to change cursor
# position in the prompt by simple mouse click, etc.
$out += "$([char]27)]9;12$([char]7)"
# And current working directory (FileSystem)
# ConEmu may show full path or just current folder name
# in the Tab label (check Tab templates)
# Also this knowledge is crucial to process hyperlinks clicks
# on files in the output from compilers and source control
# systems (git, hg, ...)
if ($loc.Provider.Name -eq "FileSystem") {
$out += "$([char]27)]9;9;`"$($loc.Path)`"$([char]7)"
return $out
Few more examples with GuiMacro
These are just GuiMacro usage examples, the Tab title may be perfectly processed by prompt function suggested above.
Add following function to change (rename) ConEmu Tab title each time prompt appears.
function prompt
& "$env:ConEmuBaseDir\ConEmuC.exe" "/GUIMACRO", 'Rename(0,@"'$(Get-Location)'")' > $null
return "PS " + $(Get-Location) + ">"
or use following code to change console title, but not only tab title
function prompt
& "$env:ConEmuBaseDir\ConEmuC.exe" "/GUIMACRO", 'Rename(1,@"'$(Get-Location)'")' > $null
return "PS " + $(Get-Location) + ">"