- conemu#1984: Add SetFocus macro which sets keyboard focus to ConEmu ghWnd handle (by stevium).
Useful for ConEmu Inside scenario, where focus needs to be set programatically.
- conemu#1984: Complete SetParentHWND macro by adding corresponding calls to gpConEmu (by stevium).
Useful for ConEmu Inside scenario in case when there’s a need for switching ConEmu parent to different HWND.
- conemu#1072, conemu#1973: Use 32-bit color in the tab headers (by ForNeVeR).
- conemu#1072, conemu#1973: Set up tab overlays using ImageList_SetOverlayImage (by ForNeVeR).
- conemu#1949: Add Keyboard Input Grouping status item (by tkatz77).
- ConEmu.l10n: Improved Japanese translation.
- conemu#1994: Fix panes order on saving active tabs.
- ConEmu.l10n: Update Chinese translations.