Настройка ConEmu

Where settings are stored

ConEmu may store its settings in the Windows registry (HKCU), or in the ConEmu.xml file.


All settings are stored in registry in the following key:


When You specify the /config switch in the ConEmu.exe command line settings will be stored here:



Любая версия ConEmu может быть «портабельной», то есть может хранить настройки в xml-файле. Хотя при желании может быть использован и реестр Windows.

Обычно вам будет предложено выбрать режим хранения настроек при первом запуске.

Подробнее о хранении настроек:

Manual change of settings

Almost any option may be changed using Settings dialog. But if you have to change a few settings, which are absent in the Settings dialog, just edit your ConEmu.xml or registry.

Using ConEmu.xml

Open ConEmu.xml file using any text editor (Far Manager, Notepad, Vim and so on) find appropriate value and change it.

Using registry

Go to Registry editor (be careful!) and change appropriate value in the ConEmu subkeys:

  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ConEmu\.Vanilla], when /config switch is not used;
  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ConEmu\<configname>], when /config switch specified in the ConEmu command line.

Settings dialog

Открыть диалог настроек можно несколькими способами

  • выбрав пункт «Settings…» из системного меню ConEmu, которое можно открыть
  • щелкнув правой кнопкой мышки по кнопке “Меню” в тулбаре
  • щелкнув правой кнопкой мышки по заголовку окна
  • щелкнув левой кнопкой мышки по иконке в заголовке окна
  • нажав на клавиатуре Win+Alt+Space
  • щелкнув правой кнопкой мышки по иконке ConEmu на панели задач (в Windows 7 нужно удерживать кнопку Shift)
  • если в TSA включено отображение иконки, можно щелкнуть по ней правой кнопкой мышки
  • нажать на клавиатуре Win+Alt+P

Common controls

Save settings

Almost all changes in options are applied immediately when you change them. But if you want these changes persist on next ConEmu start, you have to press ‘Save settings’ button.

NB Button ‘Save settings’ may be disabled when settings file is write-protected or ConEmu was started with -basic switch. You may store changes in another xml file by pressing button Export….


Click it, you need to make a copy of your settings in the xml file.

Look up an option

If you can’t find a desired option the easiest way to do that is ‘Search field’. Just press Ctrl+F in the Settings dialog, type something, the ‘title’ for example, and wait a bit. ConEmu would activate appropriate page and show the hint on the found control. You may use Enter or ‘Lens icon’ in the search field to find next occurrence of the string.


ConEmu settings, General page


ConEmu settings, Fonts page

Size and Pos

ConEmu settings, Size and position page


ConEmu settings, Appearance page

Quake режим

ConEmu settings, Quake style page


ConEmu settings, Background page


ConEmu settings, Tabs page


ConEmu settings, Confirm page

Task bar

ConEmu settings, Task bar page

Automatic update

ConEmu settings, Update page


ConEmu settings, Startup page


ConEmu settings, Tasks page


ConEmu settings, Comspec page


ConEmu settings, Environment page


ConEmu settings, Features page

RealConsole font

ConEmu settings, RealConsole font

Text cursor

ConEmu settings, Text cursor page


ConEmu settings, Colors page

ConEmu settings, Predefines palettes


ConEmu settings, Transparency page

Status bar

ConEmu settings, Status bar page

App distinct

ConEmu settings, App distinct page

ConEmu settings, App distinct page

ConEmu settings, App distinct page


ConEmu settings, Integration page

Default Terminal

ConEmu settings, DefTerm page

Keys and Macro

ConEmu settings, Keys and Macro page

ConEmu settings, Few GuiMacros


ConEmu settings, Controls page

Mark and Copy

ConEmu settings, Text selection


ConEmu settings, Paste page


ConEmu settings, Highlight page

Far Manager

ConEmu settings, Far Manager page

Far macros

ConEmu settings, Far macros page

Far Views

This is settings for ‘Panel Views’ Far Manager plugin.

ConEmu settings, Views page


ConEmu settings, Info page


Enables advanced logging of console processes creation, ANSI output and keypresses.

ConEmu settings, Debug page

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