Settings: Startup

ConEmu Settings: Startup

Startup options

Choose here what consoles you want to be started with ConEmu by default. Defaults may be overriden with -run or -runlist argument of ConEmu.exe.

  • Command line Starts ConEmu with single tab opened.
  • Tasks file Starts ConEmu with several (one or more) tabs, commands located in specified text file.
  • Specified named task (Recommended option) Starts ConEmu with several (one or more) tabs, commands located in ConEmu Settings, Tasks page.
  • Auto save/restore opened tabs ConEmu tries to save configuration of your active tabs/panes and restore them on ConEmu restart. Please read Shell working directory article for required steps.

Delay between consoles initialization

Define here the delay in milliseconds between creating consoles during ConEmu or multi-command task startup.

Selected task contents

View only, go to the Tasks page for editing.

You may see here contents of the selected Task or ‘Auto saved tabs’.

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