- conemu#2212: Fix executer in Far 1.75 (commands with redirections).
- conemu#2249, conemu#2248: ANSI: Fix new line processing (screen issues).
- Fix logging during
ConEmuC -echo
or ConEmuC -type
- conemu#2251: Restore WindowsXP 32-bit support.
- Executor: Fix empty output of console app started from Far 3.0 on Windows XP.
- Fix Far 1.75 default task name.
- conemu#2246: Xterm child process fix.
- Don’t try to substitute
with env.vars in default tasks.
- Remove RealConsole flickering while starting elevated tab.
- Support
delimiter in single instance mode. E.g. run from .cmd file (^-escaped):
start ConEmu64.exe -single -runlist ping -t ^|^|^| ping -t google.com
- Stop selecting with mouse on LBtnUp when cursor is out of the ConEmu window rect.
- conemu#1413: Improve scrolling during selection text with mouse.
- l10n: translations were updated.