Build 170705 (alpha)

  • Cygwin/Msys connector is updated to version 1.0 ( Hooks are not injected into cygwin/msys applications if they were runned from connector. As a result some speed up execution and elimination of any BLODA conditions is expected. If one needs ConEmuHk to be loaded into some process, e.g. while starting non-cygwin application like cmd.exe from cygwin shell, they may use ConEmuC.exe as loader. For example, run “ConEmuC.exe -c cmd.exe” instead of “cmd.exe”.
  • Use connector in new default cygwin/msys/git-for-windows tasks.
  • conemu#1008: Add hotkey Apps+Alt+G to group input for selected panes. So one may add or remove console to input group by activating it and pressing the Apps+Alt+G (configurable). Consoles may belong to different splits/tabs.
  • Far Macro: ConEmu.CtrlNumber.lua to switch panel modes by Ctrl+Shift+Numbers.
  • Use Shift+LClick or Alt+LClick to mark the end of selection. User may start selection (by Shift+LClick, Shift+Arrow or any other way) and after that extend it by Shift+LClick to clicked postion. To create block selection use Alt+LClick to mark one selection corner and second Alt+LClick to mark opposite corner. Inspired by
  • Option ‘Use credentials for network resources only’ in ‘Create new console’ dialog (from Peter.Maksimov). Switch -new_console:e is available in Tasks and command lines.
  • Create/restart console dialog redesign.
Build 170709 (alpha) | Build 170622 (alpha)
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