Change tcc prompt to insert mode by default

From time to time any user complains that ConEmu starts tcc (tcc/le) prompt in ‘Overwrite’ mode. But that is not a ConEmu fail (check it with cmd.exe as a shell). You need to configure your tcc properly.

Just run from yours tcc prompt:


And choose desired mode on the ‘Command Line’ tab. Do not forget to press ‘OK’ button ;)

Change tcc prompt to insert mode by default

Actually, it will update your TCMD.INI file (located in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\JPSoft or near to tcc.exe).

;; And so on...

Alternatively, you may use the following command in your tcc prompt. But note that it will not update yours TCC.INI configuration file.

SETDOS /M1 /S100:15
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