Settings: Task bar
Taskbar status area (TSA)
Always show TSA icon
Always show ConEmu icon in the Taskbar Status Area (TSA)
Auto minimize to TSA
Auto minimize to Taskbar Status Area (TSA) Right click on ‘Close window button’ in ConEmu title for minimize to TSA, when this checkbox is OFF
Taskbar buttons
- Show all consoles (Win7 and higher)
- Show all consoles (all OS)
- Active console only (ConEmu window)
- Don’t show ConEmu window on Taskbar
Show overlay icon (Win7 and higher)
Show progress indicator (Win7 and higher)
Action on closing last console (tab) and ‘cross clicking’
Close ConEmu with last tab
This option is automatically unchecked on startup if switch ‘-NoAutoClose’ is specified.
Quit on close (e.g. caption bar cross clicking)
Minimize on closing last tab
Hide to the TSA
Minimize ConEmu automatically
Minimize on focus lose (not in Quake style)
Minimize when Esc pressed
- If all consoles closed
- Always
- Never
Map Shift+Esc to Esc
Minimize when Esc pressed
Windows 7 taskbar (Jump list)
Add ConEmu Tasks
Show in TaskBar Jump List eligible Tasks (check Task properties)
Add commands from history
Show in TaskBar Jump List commands used to run consoles (history)
If checked, Jump Lists will be updated automatically when user (un)check the ‘Taskbar jump lists’ checkbox in Task properties.
Update Now!
Don’t forget to update Jump Lists, especially if ‘Autoupdate’ is unchecked