Settings: Mark/Copy

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ConEmu Settings: Mark/Copy

Text selection

Freeze console contents before selection (may cause small lag)

Detect line ends

Try to copy wrapped text as single line when possible (Text selection)

Bash margin

Bash leave one space-character on the right edge of console when wrapping lines, skip these spaces when copying to clipboard

Trim trailing spaces

3rd-state means ‘Only for Text selection’


Choose preferred line separator (\r\n, \n or \r)

Copying format

Color indexes



Select text with mouse (LeftClick+Drag)

Intelligent mode

Exceptions (“|”-separated)

Text selection

Enable streaming selection (like GUI text editors)

Block (rectangular) selection

Enable rectangular selection (like standard Windows console)

Copy on Left Button release

Copy immediately on left mouse button up (when selecting with mouse)

Choose modifier to starting ‘Text selection’ with mouse LeftClick+Drag

Reset selection on Left Button release

Reset selection region on left mouse button up (when selecting with mouse)

Choose modifier to starting ‘Block selection’ with mouse LeftClick+Drag

Show IBeam cursor

Show IBeam (text selection) cursor when available and allowed by settings and key modifiers

Select text with keyboard (Also there are two hotkeys on KeysMacro page)

Start selection with Shift+Arrow (Text = Left/Right/Home/End, Block = Up/Down)

Start text selection with Shift+Left/Right/Home/End or block selection with Shift+Up/Down

Reset selection on input

Reset selection region on keypress

any non-alpha-numeric key

When ‘Off’ - only characters ends selection When ‘On’ - any key ends selection (Arrows, PgUp, End, etc.)

copy before reset

Copy selection to clipboard before selection region reset

try to cut/erase selection before reset

Try to erase selected region if possible by posting sequence of Del/BS to console. Implement ‘usual’ hotkeys Ctrl+X, Shift+Del, BS and Del.

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