Settings: Quake style

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ConEmu Settings: Quake style

Quake style

Quake style slide down

Slide console window from the top of the screen like gaming consoles Choose desired hotkey for ‘Minimize/Restore’ action on ‘Keys Macro’ page

Animation time (ms)

Duration of window animation (0..2000ms): Quake slide down/up and restoring/hiding window to TSA. Animation is working only when window caption is hidden.

Auto-hide on focus lose

Always on top

Places the ConEmu window above all non-topmost windows. The window maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated

Restore inactive window by hotkey

Restore and focus inactive window by ‘Minimize/Restore’ hotkey

Restore to active monitor

When restoring or sliding-down move window to the active monitor, where mouse cursor is located

ConEmu window frame options

Frame width

While caption and frame are hidden, ConEmu may keep small part of frame (in pixels) around console part. Default is 1 pixel.

Appear delay

Delay in milliseconds, for a Frame appearance


Delay in milliseconds, for a Frame disappearance

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