Alphabetical list of ConEmu settings

This list of ConEmu settings is provider just for information. It’s generated from ConEmu sources and actually matches Settings dialog controls.

Left column contains name of control in the ConEmu.rc file, right column contains description - tooltip of this control.

Name Description
lbLDragKey Drag with left mouse button, only when pressed…
cbDropEnabled Off - ConEmu will NOT receive external drops
On - Drops allowed (FAR confirmation dialog)
3s - same as ‘On’, but w/o confirmation
lbRDragKey Drag with right mouse button, only when pressed…
cbDragL Allow drag with left mouse button
cbDragR Allow drag with right mouse button
cbMultiCon Turn on MultiConsole
(several consoles in one ConEmu, alternative console)
ConEmu restart required
cbMinToTray Auto minimize to Taskbar Status Area (TSA)
Right click on ‘Close window button’
in ConEmu title for minimize to TSA,
when this checkbox is OFF.
3s - Always show notification icon
tsTopPID FAR PID and FAR with plugin PID
tFontFace Face name for main font
tFontSizeY Main font height
tFontCharset Main font charset
tFontFace2 Font face used to draw FAR borders
cbExtendColors You can use up to 32 foreground colors
(instead of console standard 16) at the
expense of one of background colors
tRealFontMain Real sizes of main font:
Height x Width x AveWidth
tRealFontBorders Real sizes of ‘Fix FAR borders’ font:
Height x Width
cbBold Main font weight
tFontSizeX Main font width
0 - mean defailt width
for specified height
cbItalic Main font italic
tWndWidth Width of console window
This is in characters
tWndHeight Height of console window
This is in characters
cbMonospace Check it for non proportional (monospaced) fonts, 3d state means - center symbols in the cells
tFontSizeX2 WIDTH for additional font.
It must be wider than main font,
otherwise, You get ‘dashed’ borders.
cbSendAE When is on, You can’t enter fullscreen mode
from keyboard, but You can use ‘Alt+Enter’
for macros in FAR
cbDnDCopy Forced ‘Copy’ action as default,
You can use Ctrl, Shift or Alt
during drag to change action
cbTabs Show tabs (all opened panels, editors and viewers)
on the top of ConEmu window
cbEnhanceGraphics Enhance appearence of progressbars and scrollbars
cbRClick Off - all RClicks passed to console
On - EMenu called instead of RClick
3s - Short RClick passed, Long RClick -> EMenu
Warning! This may conflict with RDrag
cbBgImage Show background image instead standard
colors #0 and #1 (black and blue)
3d state - don’t draw in viewer/editor
tThumbsX1 Spacing in pixels from the left side of cell to the left side of preview
tThumbsY1 Spacing in pixels from the top side of cell to the top side of preview
tThumbsX2 Spacing in pixels from the right side of preview to the right side of cell
tThumbsY2 Spacing in pixels from the bottom side of preview to the bottom side of cell (text label is placed here)
tThumbsSpacing Vertical spacing in pixels (top and bottom) of text label
tThumbsPadding Horizontal spacing in pixels (left and right) of text label
tTilesX1 Spacing in pixels from the left side of cell to the left side of preview
tTilesY1 Spacing in pixels from the top side of cell to the top side of preview
tTilesX2 Spacing in pixels from the right side of preview to the right side of cell (text label is placed here)
cbRSelectionFix Fix dashed selection with fast right mouse drag
cbMonitorConsoleLang Monitor input language change in real
console (i.e. XLat switching support)
cbSkipFocusEvents Don’t send focus events to console to disable
autoclosing of fast search dialog in panels
hkNewConsole Hotkey for creating new console
hkSwitchConsole Hotkey for switching between consoles
cbSkipActivation Skip mouse button (left/right/middle)
click, while activating window
cbSkipMove Skip mouse move events, while
ConEmu is not foreground window
cbVisible Show real console on startup
cbNewConfirm Confirm new console creation.
You may change cmd line for it, or turn on ‘Run as…’ feature.
Even if unchecked, You may hold ‘Shift’ to display dialog.
cbDragImage Create and display overlay transparent snapshoot of files are dragged
cbAutoRegFonts Search, register for process, and use first *.ttf file in conemu folder
cbDebugSteps Show some debug information in ConEmu title
I.e. plugin communication steps.
hkCloseConsole Hotkey for recreating (or closing)
active console
bRealConsoleSettings You may change font face and size in the Real console. Console restart required.
cbCursorBlink When ‘Blinking’ is ON - cursor blinks
with standard cursor blink rate.
cbTabSelf Handle CtrlTab and CtrlShiftTab internally
(by ConEmu). This keystrokes will not be sent
to console window, bu You can easily
switch between consoles (panels).
cbTabLazy When checked - real window switching
will be performed on Ctrl depress
cbTabRecent Switch first between recent tabs.
You may still switch between tabs in
standard manner using Left/Right
(after CtrlTab), while Ctrl is still presses.
cbLongOutput Autoexpand bufferheight to specified
number of lines, while FAR executes
console commands. Full console output
(up to specified count of lines) will be
available via FAR macro (CtrlO.reg)
tLongOutputHeight Size of bufferheight, while FAR
executes console commands
tFontSizeX3 Cell width for ‘Monospace’ mode
tWndX Upper left corner of ConEmu in Normal mode
This is in pixels
tWndY Upper left corner of ConEmu in Normal mode
This is in pixels
lbExtendIdx Choose background color index, used to increase foreground color index
lbExtendFontItalicIdx Choose background color index for which «Italic» font properties whill be inverted (default is Magenta #13)
lbExtendFontNormalIdx When Bold or Italic font property was inverted, ConEmu may change background to default color (default is Blue #1)
cbFixFarBorders You can specify additional font for drawing FAR borders.
I.e. Main font is ‘Fixedsys’, additional is ‘Lucida Console’.
cbCursorColor ON - cursor emulates console behaviour (sort of colors inversion)
OFF - cursor is white (color#15) on dark backgrounds,
and black (color#0) on light backgrounds
cbDragIcons Show icons of dragged iterms
lbDefaultColors You may choose one of predefined color schemes.
Each scheme customize first (main) 16 colors.
lbCmdOutputCP Windows command processor (cmd.exe) may cause then output of internal commands to be OEM or Unicode.
You may force this selection, or use automatic selection (FAR2 -> Unicode).
lbNtvdmHeight Old DOS programs may be runned under console sizes: 80x25, 80x28, 80x43 or 80x50. You may force window size selection, or left the automatic selection.
This feature is not available in x64 OS.
cbFARuseASCIIsort Hook FAR string sort functions.
cbFixAltOnAltTab When You set a macro on Alt (RAlt) it can unexpectedly activates on AltTab or AltF9. This issue can be fixed by sending to console Control depress before Alt release.
cbFarHourglass Show AppStarting cursor (arrow with a small hourglass) when FAR is not responding (during long operations)
slTransparent Transparency of the main ConEmu window
cbHideCaption Hide main window caption, when maximized (Alt-F9)
cbFontAuto Automatic font resize for the fixed real console width
cbLogs Write debug information to log files. Useful for creating bugreports.
cbDragPanel Enable sizing of left and right panel by dragging with mouse.
3d state - resize on button release with macroses.
cbHideCaptionAlways Remove window border and caption. Only console and tabs will be shown.
cbTryToCenter Draw console content in center of ConEmu window
cbDesktopMode Act as a part of Windows Desktop
cbAlwaysOnTop Places the ConEmu window above all non-topmost windows. The window maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated
cbUserScreenTransparent Turn on «User screen» transparency, when panel(s) is lifted up or hided. You may temporary reveal «User screen» by depressing Ctrl-Alt-Shift.
tBgImageColors Choose background color indexes, which will be replaced with background image (default is «#0 #1»)
cbExtendFonts ConEmu is able to use normal, bold and italic fonts side by side. This feature is useful with Colorer FAR plugin.
lbExtendFontBoldIdx Choose background color index for which «Bold» font properties whill be inverted (default is Red #12)
cbTrueColorer Colorer truemod support
cbDropUnlocked Unlock source and target window on Drop operation. This may cause unpredictable results, when DragSource creates temp dragged files ONLY for drag lifetime.
cbDropUseBCopy Use BCopy service for drop operations («Unlocked drop» must be checked)
cbFadeInactive When ConEmu loses focus, its contents may be faded. You may specify most bright color.
cbBlockInactiveCursor Draw empty rectangle cursor while ConEmu has no focus
bHideCaptionSettings Choose frame width, appearance and disappearance delays
tHideCaptionAlwaysFrame While caption and frame are hidden, ConEmu may keep small part of frame (in pixels) around console part. Default is 1 pixel.
tHideCaptionAlwaysDelay Delay in milliseconds, for Caption and Frame appearance
bResetSettings Reset all settings to defaults
bReloadSettings Reload all settings from registry/xml
cbHandleFarDetach Automatic attach to ConEmu new Far manager console, created on detach (CtrlAltTab)
cbHookFarRegistry Enable portable mode for FAR manager. ConEmu plugin must be installed.
tFadeLow When ConEmu loses focus, its contents may be faded. You may specify here ‘low shift’ (wich makes dark colors lighter).
tFadeHigh When ConEmu loses focus, its contents may be faded. You may specify here ‘high shift’ (wich makes light colors darker).
tPerfFPS Frames per second
tPerfData Average duration of transferring data
from CRealConsole to CVirtualConsole
tPerfRender Average duration of rendering text to memory DC
tPerfBlt Average duration of blit operation
from memory DC to screen DC
tPerfInterval Average counts of reads real console data per second
cbUseWinNumber Enables switching of tabs (30 consoles) by their numbers (1,2,…,9,0). «Host-key» is «Win» key, by default.
cbInstallKeybHooks Allows «Host-key»+Number in Vista, Windows 7, or higher
3d state - confirm on startup
cbSafeFarClose Try to close Far Manager softly, instead of closing console window
cbIgnoreTelnetCursorSize Always show normal cursor in telnet
tThumbsFontName Text labels font name in Thumbnails mode
tThumbsFontSize Text labels font height in Thumbnails mode
tTilesFontName Text labels font name in Tiles mode
tThumbMaxZoom Maximal zoom for images smaller than preview
cbThumbLoadFolders Generate previews for folders (by first 4 files)
cbThumbLoadFiles Generate previews for files
tThumbsImgSize Size in pixels of preview square in Thumbnails mode
Default is 96
tTilesFontSize Text labels font height in Tiles mode
tTilesImgSize Size in pixels of preview square in Tiles mode
Default is 48
tThumbLoadingTimeout Maximal duration of preview generation (per file)
tTilesY2 Spacing in pixels from the bottom side of preview to the bottom side of cell
tTilesSpacing Spacing in pixels on the left of text label
tTilesPadding Spacing in pixels on the right of text label
cbThumbRestoreOnStartup Restore panel views on FAR startup
cbSleepInBackground Reduce FPS when ConEmu loses focus
cbExtendUCharMap Show glyphs from selected font in «Unicode CharMap» plugin (FAR2 only)
cbShellNoZoneCheck SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS. Same as appeared in Far 2 build 771 and disappeared after 1464.
cbThumbUsePicView2 Try to use PicView2 plugin to generate previews (FAR2 only)
tTabConsole Common tab template (Far panels or any other console program)
%s - Title, %i - Window number (always 0 here),
%% - ‘%’ sign
tTabEditor Tab template for Far internal editors
%s - Title, %i - Window number (same as F12 shows),
%% - ‘%’ sign
tTabViewer Tab template for Far internal viewers
%s - Title, %i - Window number (same as F12 shows),
%% - ‘%’ sign
tTabEditorMod Tab template for Far internal modified editors
%s - Title, %i - Window number (same as F12 shows),
%% - ‘%’ sign
cbAdminShield When this is checked - «Shield» icon will be shown in tabs, started «As administrator».
When unchecked - suffix will be appended for that tabs. You may clear suffix edit-field.
cbSendAltSpace When is on, You can use ‘Alt+Space’ in FAR internally.
You can pop up system menu with Win+Alt+Space
cbBgAllowPlugin Enable background Far plugins (i.e. Panel Colorer), 3d state means - don’t draw in viewer/editor
cbAlwaysShowTrayIcon Always show ConEmu icon in the Taskbar Status Area (TSA)
cbAlwaysShowScrollbar Always show scrollbar on the right edge of window
3d state means - autoshow on scroll
Use ConEmuHk injects Allow injecting ConEmuHk.dll (ConEmuHk64.dll) in every process of ConEmu console window
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